Understanding the several benefits of toned milk
Milk comes with all its goodness, but it also has high-fat content. This staple dairy product is inevitable for its nutrients and calcium. Several types of milk are available to act as alternatives to full-fat milk. Toned milk is one of them. It is a thinned version of buffalo milk. Mixing buffalo milk with skim milk powder or milk thins the milk significantly. Buffalo milk has approximately 8% fat and 9% to 10% non-fat solids. Toning decreases the fat content radically and generates a high amount of milk. This process augments milk quantity thrice. It is ideal for places where the demand for milk is high, and the supply is insufficient. Dairy product manufacturers offer two types of toned milk, such as: Single-toned milk: This is regular-toned milk. It includes 3% of fat. Double-toned milk: The same blend of buffalo milk with water or skim milk offers double-toned milk. Pasteurization is done for double-toned milk. Difference between Full-Fat Milk and Tone...